Isometric Illustration

Digital • 2021

Project Description

The prompt behind this project was to create an isometric illustration that showed the passage of time. Inspired by Halloweentown (1998), the illustration depicts a town of ghosts.

The illustration follows the day-to-day life of a young ghost named Timmy living in Ghostville. Always sporting his trusty propeller hat, the drawing follows Timmy’s routine. Throughout the town, he can be seen walking to school, playing with friends in the park, and more.

  • Programs Used
  • Adobe Illustrator Logo

The Process

The purpose behind the illustration was to explore drawing in isometrics, something I hadn't worked with prior to this project.

To keep with the Halloween motif, shades of orange, purple, and green were used as the principal colours. For an added touch, each store was given its own pun name.

Isometric Illustration Sketch


To gain inspiration for the illustration's aesthetic, I rewatched the film. For the ghosts, I wanted to keep their designs simple. To add some variety, I played around with different accessories, builds, and facial expressions.


The most challenging aspect of this project was learning how to draw in isometrics. To overcome this, I spent extra time practicing how to build various isometric forms before jumping into the final drawing.

The Result